Bachelor and Master Theses 2021- Next-generation Artificial Intelligence for Industrial robots

Bachelor and master students in Mechatronics are involved in project “DEEPCOBOT”.  The projects are supervised by Prof. Jing Zhou and Assoc. Prof. Ilya Tyapin. The bachelor and master students have worked together with PhD students Emil and Jayant.

Mechatronics students with their deepcobot-project.
Mechatronics students with their deepcobot-project.
Students: Eirik Magnus Skår, Benjamin Årøy Ims and Bjørn Enehaug 
Bachelor Thesis title: Human-Cobot Sequential Cooperation 

Bachelor Thesis title: Human-Cobot Sequential Cooperation 

The objective of this bachelor project is to provide a solution to perform semi autonomous collaborative tasks, between a robot and a human. The project is focused on making a usable autonomous solution, that will find a sequence of actions that will lead to a desired goal. The tasks include solving different planning problems such as identifying objects, picking and placing objects, moving around in a known environment, and interacting with the environment to complete its goal. To achieve these tasks it was necessary to make new software for the robot to run. All programming was done within the ROS framework. By using ROS melodic, Linux Ubuntu 18.04 and Python programming language. The majority of all testing was in simulation using Gazebo, testing was done on the physical robot when simulation was satisfactory. 

Students: Ravi Kumar, Jan-Philip Radicke, Eirik Eidhammer
Bachelor Thesis title:  Multi Robot Cell Operation using Robot Operating System

Bachelor Thesis title:  Multi Robot Cell Operation using Robot Operating System

This project contains the work for a bachelor’s thesis at the University of Agder (UiA) in spring 2021. With cobots being the fastest growing segment of industrial automation, this thesis will investigate a multi robot cell operation. This cell consists of the Universal Robot 5 (UR5) and TIAGo. This project was carried out with the use of Robot Operating System (ROS) with the Melodic Morenia distribution along side Linux Ubuntu 18.04. The goal of this thesis is to make these cobots perform a pick and place operation in a fast and effective
manner. TIAGo will identify an object, pick it up, and navigate to the UR5. Then, UR5 will detect the object and store it. This task is performed both in simulation, as well as on a physical setup.

Professor Jing Zou with Assoc. Prof. Ilya Tyapin and PhD student Emil Mühlbradt Sveen.
Professor Jing Zou with Assoc. Prof. Ilya Tyapin and PhD student Emil Mühlbradt Sveen, whom the bachelor and master students have worked with regarding the robot-project.
PhD students: Emil Mühlbradt Sveen and Jayant Singh